Why Taking Risks is Important in Life
Taking risks is scary.
“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” - Erica Jong
Which can be even more terrifying.
You can doubt yourself, question every move you make, talk yourself out of them and tell yourself that you are not worthy of making these big moves.
Well, I’m here to tell you that you are worthy of taking big, bold risks and they’re bloody important to take.
So, today you and I are going to sit down and talk about why taking risks is important, and strategies to make the ‘scaries’ feel a little less scary.
There’s an art when it comes to risk-taking.
The ‘art’ refers to being brave and mastering the ability to step outside of your comfort zone and take chances that have the potential for a great reward. However, it does involve being a bit brave, having a willingness to face uncertainty and the possibility of failure… and having faith that it also holds the potential for so much growth, happiness, and goal-smashing.
We all have different variables when it comes to risk. Risk is measured by your own scale based on what you’re comfortable with.
What could be a risk to you, may not seem risky to someone else… and it’s not about comparing your risk-taking, this is your journey and your risk, therefore your risk scale is the only one that matters.
Some might say the following are risks:
- Starting your own business
- Changing careers
- Travelling to a new country
- Taking on a leadership role
- Learning a new skill or language
- Investing in the stock market
- Asking someone out on a date
- Moving to a new city
- Starting a new sport
- Saying yes more
- Saying no more
- Having a baby
- Finishing a relationship
The list goes on.
All of these could be viewed as risks, all of these also have the possibility to be the most incredible transformation. The reward if you like for ‘taking the risk’.
Risk looks different to everyone. What risks are you weighting up?
Why are taking risks important?
Surely if you’re comfortable, content, and safe… why would you consider taking a risk that could potentially not work out for you?!
Because only doing things you feel comfortable doing, keeps you stuck in the same place.
Taking risks is important because in stepping outside of your comfort zone you challenge yourself in new ways. It can lead to personal growth, increased confidence, and upgrade life in ways you didn’t think possible.
By taking risks, you can learn new skills, gain new experiences, and discover new opportunities that you may not have come across otherwise. Additionally, taking risks can help you overcome fear, reduce self-doubt and build resilience, which is hugely beneficial in all areas of life.
My biggest flex for where I am in life is doing things that terrified me, that made me feel very uncomfortable, that pushed me to feel the fear and do it anyway. They have always worked out in my favour even if they didn’t turnout as I thought they might. I’ve learnt so much along the way.
If anything, you’re taking a risk right now leaning into reading this, knowing full well that your view of risk is being challenged and it might even be the kick up the arse you need to shout f*ck yes and do THE thing, whatever it is.
However, before you get too excited… let’s talk strategy.
Strategies for taking risks and reaping the rewards
We love a good strategy here.
Strategies can help take something big and audacious, break it down into smaller, manageable chunks and create clarity when stepping into something new.
So, let’s start strategising.
1. Identify your goal
What are you wanting to achieve? It's important to identify your goal.
What is the potential reward?
Why does this feel risky to you?
If you think about achieving the goal, how does it make you feel?
What’s your ideal outcome?
By having a clear goal in mind, you can better evaluate whether the risk is worth taking.
2. Weigh the pros and cons
There are always compromises along the way. It's important to weigh up the potential pros and cons.
What are the potential benefits?
What are the potential drawbacks?
When thinking about the best possible outcome, do you feel a big f*ck yes?
What does your gut say? Does it ‘feel’ good?
By carefully considering both the positives and negatives, you can make a more informed decision about whether to take the risk.
3. Plan ahead
Having a plan allows you to feel more secure. Plan ahead and consider what steps you can take to minimise the potential downside of the risk.
How can you lessen the risk?
What would make you feel more confidence in taking this risk?
How can you prepare for the potential challenges or obstacles?
What support do you need when taking this risk?
4. Embrace uncertainty
Taking a risk involves embracing uncertainty. There's no way to know for sure what the outcome will be, but this is part of life, if we were able to control every outcome life would become monotonous and nothing would ever change. However, by embracing uncertainty, you can open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities, and that’s where the magic really lies.
5. Learn from failure
Not every risk will pay off. Adopting a growth mindset that allows you to view every situation as an opportunity to learn something means you never feel like you failed, rather that you grew from it. Even when things don't go as planned, you can still learn from the experience. Reflect on what went wrong, what you could have done differently, and what you might do next time.
Avoiding risk because you are worried about failing is not a reason to not do it. Failure isn’t something to avoid, it provides you with the foundation to build yourself up, go again and do it differently.
Failure is part of success.
6. Build resilience
Taking risks can be challenging, but it can also help you build resilience.
Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from difficult or challenging situations.
By facing your fears and taking chances, you can become more comfortable with discomfort and uncertainty. This can help you build resilience that can be beneficial in all areas of life.
It’s really normal that taking a risk feels scary, (sometimes pee your pants scary), but it’s such an important part of you living a life on your terms and making sure life is how you want it to be.
Living by design not by default.
Be kind and supportive to yourself.
Break it down into smaller more manageable risk.
Find ways to feel safer about the potential risk.
Listen to your gut - she’s rarely wrong!
The life you want is on the other side of the hard things you’re resisting.
I’m here to tell you, you won’t get that life by staying in your comfort zone.
If you need some help taking a risk, building the confidence to go for it or the strategy to see it through, let’s have a chat. I guarantee you won’t regret taking that risk!