Are you lacking time or is it headspace?

mindset mastery

“I just don’t have enough time.”

One of the most common statements we make.

We’ve probably said we don’t have the time to do something, whilst we’re all guilty of scrolling mindlessly on our phones at times…calling myself out there!

However, not having enough time isn’t always the issue. We will always have time for the things we think of as important, and if it’s important to us, we’ll find a way to do it, otherwise, we might make a sneaky excuse or two.

Now, I’m not going to be quoting Kim K anytime soon by telling you to “get your f*ing ass up and work, because it seems like nobody wants to work these days” or going all Molly Mae on you stating we all have the same 24 hours in a day and that if you wanted something badly enough, we could achieve it no matter what.

Because, whilst we do all have 24 hours in the day, our priorities and our headspace cannot be compared.

You might be a new mum, working through the transition of figuring out what your new life looks and feels like, battling sleepless nights and just remembering to feed yourself.

You might be in a new relationship and navigating what it’s like to have another person in your life and how that now determines what you want or need to prioritise.

You might be hustling in a new job or on your own business and struggling to find time for anything other than that.

I get it, our time is a precious commodity and no amount of money or privilege can ‘buy’ you more. How you choose to spend that time will determine how you feel about tackling your day, week, month, AND year!

So, the question here is:

Is it time you lack or is it clear head space to spend it doing the things you want or to understand what’s truly important to you?

It’s all well and good having an hour to tackle your bills but if we don’t have the head space for it or consider it a priority, it’s likely you’ll get to that allocated time and you won’t be as productive as you’d like to be and that time will feel wasted or like you didn’t have enough of it.

Time vs priority

Let's take the simple statement of: I don't have enough time

And realign the sentence to: I’d rather sit on the sofa and chill / go out with friends / spend time with XYZ Or,  Takeaways are so much more convenient because I don’t have the time to cook vsI eat takeaways because cooking healthy meals takes too much time and I’m tired when I get to the end of the day. 

Kinda changes a few things around, doesn’t it?

Now, that’s not to say you’re saying these exact sentences out loud, and you may feel a little triggered or called out. Great. Why? 

What does that bring up for you? Has it made you stop and think about the excuses you might be making? 

We’re going to work on taking responsibility for the choices you're making based on what you think is important. Some of that might come down to how you’re prioritising things and how you’re then choosing to spend your time.

Are you choosing to spend your time on things important to you? 

Get clear on what’s important to you and prioritise accordingly. Being honest with yourself about this is liberating. 

Understanding how to prioritise is a crucial aspect of time management and productivity, allowing you to focus on what you consider to be the most important tasks, whilst also allowing you to create more time and freedom to do the things that light you up.

Priority vs headspace

Priority and head space are two completely different concepts.


Refers to the order of importance or urgency assigned to tasks, projects, or goals. It is a way to determine which tasks or goals should be given priority and which ones can wait.


Refers to a state of mental clarity and calm. It is the space in your mind where you are free from distractions, thoughts, and emotions that can cloud your judgement and affect your ability to focus and think clearly. You know those moments when you feel like you’re able to ‘deal’ with things, however complicated with a sense of calm and clarity? That’s headspace.

And by achieving headspace you ultimately allow yourself to become more productive, more creative and make better decisions without decision fatigue.

In simple, prioritising is a way to organise you to-list and your headspace is a mental state that allows you to be focused and present. They go hand in hand.

When prioritising you can feel a sense of clarity, a clear goal to achieve and the most satisfying moment of ticking off one of your to-do’s!

So, how can you utilise prioritising to gain better headspace?


You, my friend, are in luck! Grab your 6 Steps to Prioritise and Create More Headspace Worksheet here and to follow the steps below. 

Maybe you go for the quick wins, maybe you start with the hard stuff and get it done (my recommendation) as this will free up the most amount of headspace. Either way, start getting sh*t done. Working your way through the list. 

It might look like a lot. It might look like a little. Don’t overwhelm yourself if the reality looks more daunting than you thought. Feel empowered that you’ve organised everything so you have a clear picture of all the things you’re wanting to juggle.

Remember that prioritising is a continuous process, and it may change over time. It's important to regularly review your priorities and adjust them as necessary. By following these steps, you'll be able to prioritise the right things and make the most of your time whilst gaining back the headspace you truly deserve to make sure you’re present and able to do more of the things you really want to..

If you are feeling stuck or unsure of next steps set up a consult call and we can chat about the support you need to reprioritise life on your terms.


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