5 strategies to create more space for what you want

mindset mastery

We all have things we want to achieve or experiences we want to have in our lives, but often, it can feel like there's not enough time or space to make them happen.

Often, we can feel a lot of stress and overwhelm from our day-to-day happenings, which can, at times, feel pretty debilitating and make it difficult to even get through our to-do list, let alone create more space for something new and exciting.

We can make excuses such as:

I don’t have enough time.

I have too much going on right now.

Because of X, I can’t do Y.

Time - excuse the pun, for some radical honestly with yourself...:

Is it time you're lacking, or are you making excuses? Filling your day with things you don’t need to be doing?

There is a big difference between not having time; you can solve this by re-prioritising; and not having the head space. Time (relatively speaking) is an easy commodity to adjust based on how you choose to spend it. However, adjusting your headspace is a different thing entirely, but many of the same strategies below will apply.

Let’s look at ways you can create more space for what you truly want.


What does it mean to create space?

When you’re creating space in your life, it means you’re actively working on managing your time, energy, and physical space to allow more room to live, create and have some bloody fun!

Creating head space can look like removing things from your mental capacity such as people who may drain your energy or bring you down, it’s removing negative thought patterns and having a clear direction on the goals and values you want for your life or that year.

Creating physical space can be anything from decluttering your home, finally doing that spring clean in your kitchen, or even finding a different place to work, for example, I have just signed up to a co-working space, it’s opening up the opportunity for me to have a new place to work from and create connections with others instead of working solo at home all day!

Do you need to create space in your life?

We all only have a certain level of capacity in our life, which means we will all reach our limit and struggle to feel available to let new things in or take on new projects or habits.

Have you ever felt that you suddenly lack any drive or enthusiasm, your creative desire disappears and you're not really sure why or where it's gone? 

That means you’ve reached your capacity and need to start focussing on creating more space in your life.

Here are three signs you need to create space in your life:

  1. You feel stuck, stagnant, or unable to move forward; things are not ‘flowing’.
  2. You feel a deep-rooted desire to invite something new in, shake things up, but unsure how to achieve it.
  3. You feel like everything is a struggle, work, the gym, going out with friends…anything that involves you stepping into your best self feels difficult.

Which of these resonate with you?

How to create more space for what you want!

5 strategies:

  1. Prioritise your time

Your time is valuable, and if you aren’t making time for yourself, how do you expect to create space for yourself? Make a list of the things that are most important to you and prioritise them. Eliminate the activities or tasks that don't align with your priorities and focus on the things that matter the most. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Go slow, take it easy. And be ruthless in gifting yourself back some time and space.

  1. Declutter your physical space

A cluttered environment can create a cluttered mind. Take some time to declutter your living and working spaces, getting rid of anything that you no longer need or use. This will help to free up both physical and mental space. That means everything from those jeans that are haunting you because they no longer fit, or that bag of salad that has been stuck at the bottom of your fridge for the past 3 weeks. Say bye byeee.

  1. Learn to say no

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. We can so often take on too many responsibilities and commitments, leaving little time for what we truly want. By learning to say no to things that don't align with your priorities and values, you can create more space for the things that matter to you. Not to mention, establishing boundaries with others can help create more space for yourself. This can include setting limits on your time, energy, and resources.

  1. Progress vs perfection

Let’s cut to the chase. There is no such thing as perfection. The more you strive towards being perfect in any capacity the more you end up holding yourself back. It’s time to focus on progress over perfection. Make moves not comparisons. Post the post, shoot your shot, and know that each decision you make will either hinder your growth or accelerate it. There is no such thing as failure, only lessons to learn.

  1. Take action

We can get so caught up in planning and thinking about what we want, rather than taking action. By taking small, consistent steps towards your goals, you can create more space for the things you truly want. That means getting clear on what you truly want in your life and mentally working towards that. Stop watching videos on manifesting and start taking action on your life. Life happens by doing it not by thinking about it.

Create space to live your life

Creating more space for what you want in your life is a process that takes time and effort.

To do this start with:

  • Prioritising your time
  • Decluttering your physical spaces
  • Learning to say no
  • Creating boundaries for yourself
  • And finally, taking action, you can make it happen.

Remember, it's important to be patient with yourself and remember things don't happen overnight. Don’t let the pace you’re moving at discourage you.

By implementing these strategies, you can start to create more space for what you truly want in your life and start living the life you've always dreamed of.

The environment that you create for yourself and around you should be optimised to benefit your mind, body, and soul. Get clear on what you want, and how you want to feel daily and ensure to do the things that light you up. Nothing will go perfectly to plan and by taking daily steps towards your dream life you’re doing everything you can to make it so.

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