5 signs you’re ready for a coach or mentor

mindset mastery

It takes a certain kind of person to ask themselves how they can level up and improve as a human.

  • Become more self-aware.

  • Develop emotional resilience.

  • Build indestructible self-confidence.

  • Improve self-belief.

And it’s even more rare for people to follow up and actually do it. 

Questioning, searching and then taking action are key to improving your career, your relationships, and your life.

A common factor in improving these areas is YOU. The level up you're looking for starts and ends with YOU.

You might think it’s beyond you, not a possibility for you...

It involves work. And if you're willing to question, search, take action and commit to seeing it through - it's as good as yours. 

If not, you're right - it is beyond you and not a possibility for you.

Anyone who’s woken up on New Year’s Day feeling a little the worse for wear after too much champagne and decided they need to do something different will relate to this.

Imagine the scenario: 

You want to have a more productive year, not waste it feeling hungover every weekend, and you start to question how you can do that. Dry January comes to the rescue, the solution to kicking the year off as you mean to go on. But your first dry weekend rolls around and you realise that it’s hard and not much fun, the hangover from a week ago is long forgotten and YOLO… before you know it, you’re 5 margs deep and there is no going back.

Why does this happen?

  • You asked yourself how you can level up = not drinking for January
  • You followed up and explored how you could do that = Dry January to the rescue!
  • You took action...

But the minute things got hard, you gave up on yourself.

And that’s what I see happen all the time.

Imagine having someone to support you with next level coaching and mentoring guiding you every step of the way so when things got tough - you had resources to deal with it?!

  • To celebrate the good moments and to walk with you during the hard?

  • Teaching you tools and resources to help you move forward and deal with the sh*t life throws at you.

  • Supporting you to transform your mindset and self-doubt into self-belief and emotional resilience.

  • Reminding you when motivation leaves the building, why you’re doing what you’re doing.

  • Offering perspective to re-frame and adjust based on the demands and dramas that come up in life.

With a person like that on your team, or a voice-note away, how could you possibly fail?

The whole process of levelling up in life and as a person suddenly became SO much easier.

And that’s where a coach can help.

Whether you're wanting to drink less, start a business, move countries, change your career, leave a relationship, or embrace change in some other way, a (great) coach will help you through the process.

Ongoing coaching and mentoring if THE secret weapon of those who 'have t all'.

A coach will accelerate you towards your goals helping you to avoid the pitfalls along the way.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” - Chinese Proverb

If you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, or unfulfilled, and want to level up, it might be time to consider working with a mindset coach.

Here are five signs that you’re ready to take this step:

  1. Career transition:

    If you're considering a new job, starting your own business, or making a significant career change, coaching will help you get clear, identify roadblocks and create a plan with exact next steps.

  2. Personal growth:

    If you're looking to improve your relationships, build better habits, or develop new skills, coaching can help you identify areas for growth, set realistic goals, and create a roadmap to get you there.

  3. Overcoming obstacles:

    If you're facing challenges in your personal or professional life; stress, burnout, or relationship difficulties, coaching will help you develop strategies to navigate this and create a more fulfilling life.

  4. Life transitions:

    If you're navigating a major life event, such as a divorce, the loss of a loved one, or a health crisis, coaching can help you manage your emotions, find meaning, and create a new sense of purpose.

  5. Achieving specific goals:

    If you have a specific goal, such as running a marathon, learning a new language, or writing a book, coaching can help you develop a plan, stay motivated, and overcome obstacles along the way.

Coaching is a game changer at any stage in life. It gives you a supportive and non-judgmental environment to help you grow.

Investing in yourself

What are you waiting for?

As they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. They also say the first step is always the hardest.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr famously said, “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

If your goal is to break free from the exhausting cycle of second guessing to become a confident, got your sh*t together version of YOU, that accelerates through life and business obstacles with authority and leadership...

Book a free 30-min consult call and get the support, accountability and know how you need. 

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