3 Ways to Become More Accountable

self mastery

When it comes to accountability… where do you stand? 

Accountability is like a gym membership: you buy it with good intentions, but if you don't use it, it's just a waste of money. 

The good news is that unlike a gym membership, being accountable doesn't require any sweat or lifting of heavy weights, in fact, being accountable might be the easiest workout you'll ever do, and the results are definitely worth it. 

Accountability get things done. Accountability helps you to see things through to completion and reap the rewards. It’s an essential trait that supports you in ‘doing’ life. 

Being answerable for your actions, decisions, and behaviours by accepting the consequences that come with them. 

Now, being accountable is not always easy, but it is an important characteristic to cultivate and achieve success in life. 

So, how can you become more accountable in life. 

3 ways to become more accountable 

1. Set clear goals and objectives 

Setting clear goals and objectives is an essential step in becoming more accountable. 

When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to track your progress and measure your success. Setting goals helps you to focus your energy and resources on what really matters, and it also provides a framework for accountability. 

To set clear goals and objectives, start by identifying what you want to achieve. 


It doesn’t matter whether it’s a personal or professional goal, the process is the same. Once you have identified your goal, break it down into smaller, measurable milestones or things you want to achieve to get to the bigger goal. This will help you to track your progress and adjust along the way. 

Plan of Action: 

Next up is to create a plan of action to achieve your goal and milestones along the way. Your plan should include specific actions you will take, deadlines, and the resources you will need to achieve your objectives. 

This allows you to track your progress regularly and adjust your plan as necessary. If you aren’t making progress toward your goals, it may be time to re-evaluate your plan and adjust. 

Remember, accountability is not just about achieving your goals, but also about being honest with yourself and others about your progress. Things take time, so be realistic, and focus on making progress vs it being perfect. 

2. Owning your actions 

Taking ownership of your actions is another important aspect of becoming more accountable. 

When things go wrong, it is easy to blame others or make excuses, but this approach does not promote accountability or a feeling of being in control and the master of your own destiny. Which you are. 

Taking ownership of your actions means accepting responsibility for the outcomes of your decisions and actions, both good and bad. 

I know first-hand that taking responsibility for things can suck, but not only will you learn some great life lessons, but you’ll also gain more respect and confidence in yourself. 

To take ownership of your actions, start by being honest with yourself about your role in the situation. Ask yourself what you could have done differently to achieve a better outcome. This requires a level of self-awareness and humility, and it is an important step in becoming more accountable. It might require apologising for things you’ve done or accepting the consequences of choices you’ve made. 

This demonstrates your willingness to take responsibility for your actions and shows that you are committed to making things right. 

Finally, allow yourself to learn from your mistakes. Reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently in the future. This will help you to avoid making the same mistakes and promote personal growth and development. 

3. Seek feedback and support 

Seeking feedback and support is another essential step in becoming more accountable. 

Accountability does not mean that you have to do everything on your own. In fact, seeking feedback and support from others can help you to stay on track and achieve your goals. 

Find an accountability partner; share it with someone you trust, such as a friend, colleague, or mentor. Sharing your plan with someone else creates a sense of accountability, as you will be more likely to follow through with your commitments when you know someone else is counting on you and checking in to see how you’re doing against the plan you created and the goals you have. 

Once you have identified your support system, share your goals and objectives with them and ask for their feedback and support. 

Be open to feedback, it’s designed to help make things better. Positive feedback can be motivating, and negative feedback can be valuable in helping you to identify areas for improvement. Remember, feedback is not a criticism of you as a person, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Hold yourself accountable to your support system. Share your progress regularly and ask for feedback and support when you need it. Asking for help or guidance, makes you more likely to succeed. 

Accountability in life is essential. 

So, how are you going to start being more accountable? 

Taking accountability for your life; the good, the bad and the ugly; will help you on all level. Your personal and professional life will improve, relationship, careers, health and wellness, the improvements will be tenfold. 

If you’re unsure on where to even begin and you’d like a helping hand, book a consult call, and hold yourself accountable to making things different rather than just wanting them different. 

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